Довідник лікаря




Join the thousands of medical professionals who use the app every day! The doctors guide is more than 50 free medical tools in Ukrainian!• МХХ classifier - 10 AM of the Australian modification and МХХ 10.• Classifier of medical interventions NC 026:2021 (AKMI)• Classification of medical care ICPC-2• ICF international classification of functioning• Referral classifierThe unique features of the application are the checking of BPR points by Surname or certificate number. Convenient search for BPR events and filtering.Conveniently and quickly add to bookmarks from any directory or from AKMI or from ICF-10Physician Directory tools support more than 22 specialties, including obstetrics and gynecology, anesthesiology and intensive care, gastroenterology, hematology, endocrinology, electrolytes, diabetes, intensive care, infectious diseases, cardiology, neurology, nephrology, oncology, pediatrics, psychiatry and narcology, pulmonology, radiology, rheumatology, nursing, dentistry, traumatology, urology and others! Here are some examples of tools:- BMI body mass index- Ruffier index- PPT body surface area (BSA)- Calculation of the dose of the drug according to PPT- Calculation of the percentage concentration of the solution- Calculation of the content of the substance in the solution- Apgar scale- Alvarado scale- Schwartzs formula for GFR in children- Calculation of age- APRI AST to platelet ratio index- Calculation of the date of birth, the term of pregnancy- "FIB-4" index for determining liver fibrosis- Recalculation of corticosteroid doses (GCS)- Calculation of GFR using the MDRD formula- Correction of [Ca] in hypoalbuminemia- Calculation of GFR using the Cockroft–Hault formula- HAS-BLED bleeding risk assessment scale- Calculation of the current term of pregnancy based on the known estimated date of birth- CHA₂DS₂-VASc scale- Correction of sodium level in hyperglycemia- Calculator for converting mg/dl to mmol/l.- Silverman scale- Child-Pugh scale- Glasgow Coma Scale- NIHSS Stroke Severity Scale- Calculation of infusion rate- MELD scale- Calculation of the absolute number of neutrophils- SIRS systemic inflammatory response syndrome- Calculation of CKD GFR (CKD-EPI)- Wells criteria for pulmonary embolism- Mean arterial pressure MAP- Basic exchange (Muffin-Geor and Harris-Benedict formulas)- Fractional excretion of sodium (FENa)- SOFA scale- The qSOFA scale- Respiratory index PaO₂ / FiO₂- Correction of the QT interval- Concentration of disinfectant solution- Padua scale- RCRI Cardiac Risk Index (Lee Scale)- CRUSADE risk index- AKIN classification- Wells criteria for the probability of deep vein thrombosis- KDIGO classification- Calculation of ideal body weight IBW- Bishop scale- Heart scale